TITLE: Mathematics Achievement and the Science of Mathematics Education: Evidence From Different Nations



Dr. Elida Veléz Laski, Associate Professor of Applied Developmental Psychology, Boston College

Dr. María Inés Susperreguy, Assistant Professor of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Editors Email: laski@bc.edu and misusper@uc.cl


Mathematics achievement is critical to future success. Low math achievement negatively impacts national economies and individual citizens’ college, career, economic, and health outcomes. Individual differences in mathematics achievement emerge early in development and continue to widen throughout schooling. In fact, early math knowledge predicts the rate of growth and math achievement scores as late as high school, as well as the risk for long-term functional innumeracy. These individual differences in mathematics achievement are related to numerous factors, including socioeconomic and national background, curricula, teacher behavior, educational practices, and individual cognitive processes, such as working memory.

This special issue of Bordón focuses on expanding knowledge about the range of factors that predict mathematics achievement and development across nations and how educational practices attenuate or exacerbate individual differences. We invite empirical articles that rigorously address topics such as the following:

  • Which cognitive factors predict mathematics achievement?
  • Which social or educational contexts support mathematics achievement? Do these vary with socio-cultural and national contexts?
  • How do educational practices interact with individual differences in math knowledge?
  • What parental or educational practices promote mathematics development?
  • How can knowledge from other fields (e.g., Cognitive Science) inform the design of mathematics instruction?
  • How do the factors that predict mathematics achievement vary across development?

All authors are asked to follow the format used for Bordón articles – namely, IMRYD (Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion). Submissions should be well written, use appropriate research designs, and make novel contributions, in keeping with the high international standing of the Bordón periodical. Papers should also follow APA standards. Manuscripts may be submitted in Spanish or English. One goal of this monograph is to represent the current research on mathematics development that is being conducted across the United States, Spain, and Central and Latin America in order to break down the silos of knowledge and contribute to the growth of research globally on this topic.

Inquiries about this special issue, including questions about appropriate topics, may be sent electronically to laski@bc.edu.

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